Wilcom, Salora & Juhi Chawla – One Big Family!

Its all about loving your family”. A tag line that is closely associated, not just with Bollywood, but holds true in real life as well. After all, especially in times of trouble, who can one count on, if not family?

Wilcom, the wireless communications company who has controversial Professor Girish Kumar’s anti-radiation activist daughter Neha Kumar as a Director; is in a similar situation with a company called Salora. It is all about one family member coming to the rescue of another family member. But like with most families, the relationships are a bit complex and must be understood first. Salora International is a company with various interests ranging from claimed ‘low radiation’ cellular phones to televisions. It is a company that is a behemoth and has in its fold, 9 smaller companies, amounting in total to a group that is worth nearly 300 million US dollars. Wilcom Technologies is largely funded by one snigle principal investor. And this investor happens to be Lusaka Properties Pvt Ltd, which is one of the 9 companies under the Salora Group.

So that is one connection that clearly establishes the link between Salora & Wilcom. Now the question of Juhi Chawla, who has become very active, almost suspiciously so, about cell phone tower radiation in her residential neighborhood of the upmarket Malabar Hill in Mumbai. She has been crusading the alleged ill-effects of high radiation, even taking legal recourse in the matter. Now it turns out that she is married to Mr.Jay Mehta, who is very closely associated with the Salora Group, and in turn Lusaka Properties, that has principally funded Wilcom.

Now, what emerges is a very clear and interesting picture of convenience and deceit. Wilcom and Girish & Neha Kumar have come under public and government scrutiny of late. Their claims of cell phone radiation being harmful have been conclusively negated, and that they were profiting directly from the sale of Wilcom Products, and their ‘activism’ against radiation, a ploy for ultimate profit, has been exposed. People have seen through the lies and the strategy. And it is to take the heat off this expose, and in a last ditch effort to lend some credibility to their concocted lies, that the family has called on Juhi Chawla, to join the campaign.

But peoples’ intelligence can not be insulted by assuming no one will be able to make these internal connections that unite Wilcom, Salora & Juhi Chawla as one big family. And while it is natural for family to come to one another’s rescue, in this case, the support is fraudulent, for a fraudulent cause.

View the presentation below for more:

Radiation Wallpaper-The new Sunscreen? And Juhi Chawla the brand Ambassador!

Special Curtains, Wallpapers, Window Films brought to you by Juhi Chawla!

Household products that allegedly bring you health and happiness. If you want to buy into that range, you have to buy into the lies that people like Girish Kumar, Neha Kumar and Juhi Chawala are telling you.

These individuals hold business interests in Wilcom, a company that produces table-top radiation shields, pocket radiation shields and special curtains, wallpapers and window films that block out radiation.

Girish Kumar, Neha Kumar and Juhi Chawla have been advocating the evils of cellphone radiation. Maybe they should have checked on their facts and figures first. Many studies, including extensive research by the worldwide Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation(AGNIR) has stated “ the evidence overall has not demonstrated any adverse effects on human health from exposure to radio-frequency fields”. The only reason we might believe these 3 individuals is if they can prove that they are more knowledgeable than a group of the best scientists and doctors from around the world!

Doesn’t it all seem extremely convenient? Of course it is. The best way of selling a product is to create a need for it. And what better way of creating a need than to proclaim the product to be essential to your health and well-being!

Thats exactly what Girish Kumar, Neha Kumar and Juhi Chawla ave done for Wilcom. They are playing with people’s feelings and sensitivities and its important to stop them.

Girish Kumar the businessman has roped in Juhi Chawla the actress to form a mutually beneficial relationship. And the best part is that we as innocent citizens are their soft targets. They claim to be helping us, but they are really just using us for their own selfish gains! (Click here to view details)

Thats truly ironic. Wake up citizens of the world. Cellphone radiation is not what’s harming us. Its people like these that take advantage of the innocents that are the real villains here! Its almost as if for them, Radiation Wallpaper is the new Sunscreen… And Juhi Chawla the brand Ambassador!

Has Juhi Chawla Stopped Using Her Cell Phone?

Modern life, though it comes with immense pressures, also has many advantages that were not present earlier. Just look at cell phones for example. Sure we managed just fine without them, but now that they have been with and among us for some time, it is hard to conceive life without them. In fact, landlines have almost become redundant now.Unfortunately, what also exists in our modern society is a lot of hypocrisy. Double standards where people say and do things they don’t really mean. Where people don’t always practice what they preach. And speaking of cell phones; one such modern day myth that has been created around these life-saving devices is that the cell phone towers cause harmful radiation that is bad for health. What is even sadder is that while it has been conclusively and scientifically proven that the weak RF waves radiation from cell phone towers can’t possibly cause any harm to humans. These are the same radio frequency waves that we experience from our TVs and radios at home. That have been around us for decades now, and haven’t caused any harm. But some people continue to propagate lies and spread fear and panic. Why? Only because they stand to gain directly and monetarily from spreading these rumors. Professor Girish Kumar and his daughter Neha Kumar have been crusading the country, posing as activists who will save humanity from the evils of this alleged & totally made-up ills of cell phone tower radiation. And joining them and supporting them is a once much loved and respected actor Juhi Chawla. But the real motivation is what is truly shocking.

It is her husband Jay Mehta’s business interests that have compelled her to join these voices that are spreading lies about cell phone tower radiation being harmful, so that their own companies – Wilcom Technologies, Salora International and the like, can sell their anti-radiation products!

The title of a recently published article by the duo reads: Radiation from your cell phone MAY be killing you. Common sense will tell you that most of the facts stated cannot be proved since cell phones are too recent an invention to gather reliable historical data. The title itself contains the word MAY, and is a clear pointer of the still existing ambiguity.

The fact that all this is has been done only and only to profit, is becoming increasingly clear to everyone. Milind Deora, a member of the Lok Sabha was one of the many who was able to see through the conspiracy. He openly challenged Neha Kumar on Twitter.

What is even more revolting is the sheer & blatant hypocrisy that one sees.

How? That can be answered by one simple question.

Has Juhi Chawla stopped using her own cell phone? Since she claims they are so harmful, she should have been the first person to stop using this evil device completely right?

Well guess what, she has NOT stopped using cell phones!

Its a shameful conspiracy conveniently adopted to make profits. To make the rich become richer, while the common people of India, have to suffer from a man-made fear of a device that has exponentially improved our lives.

To view a related article by industry expert Sheetal Kumar, Click Here.

Read my presentation on the issue on Slideshare